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随着软件的应用规模越来越大,软件系统一旦出现故障,很可能会造成人员伤亡或财产等重大损失,因此对软件可信性进行评估尤为重要.在安全攸关如航空航天等领域,作为可信关键属性之一的安全性影响着整个软件系统的可信评估.特别当一个组件受到安全攻击或缺陷出现时,可信性会下降,会影响到与它可信关联的组件可信性,从而影响到整个系统的可信性.遵循这一思路,设计了软件系统组件可信性发生改变后对其它组件可信性影响度量公式,进一步给出当一组件可信性发生变化,整个软件系统各组件可信性度量发生变化的度量模型.本文以某“航天电源管理设备”为例,证明了本文所建立的组件可信依赖关系度量模型的合理性和有效性.  相似文献   
The present study investigated cognitive map development in multilevel built environments. Three experiments were conducted in complex virtual buildings to examine the effects of five between-floor structural factors that may impede the accuracy of humans’ ability to build multilevel cognitive maps. Results from Experiments 1 and 2 (of three experiments) revealed that difficulties in developing multilevel cognitive maps are not solely caused by the z-axis offset, as is suggested in the literature, but are due to the factorial combination of a between-floor overlap and a z-axis offset. Results from Experiment 2 showed that this process becomes substantially more difficult when the reference directions between different floors have an angular offset from each other. Finally, results from Experiment 3 demonstrated that confusing between-floor heading shifts in aligned buildings did not make it reliably harder to build multilevel cognitive maps. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of theories of mental representations in multilayered three-dimensional spaces, as well as for architectural design.  相似文献   
介绍了面向下一代运载火箭分布式模块化电子系统(DIMA)的集成技术及系统架构。针对下一代运载火箭复杂电子系统的特点,按照系统集成的路线,对系统设计目标、系统功能需求分析、系统抽象机制、系统综合技术等多方面进行论述。首先,根据电气系统功能获得系统需求,采用功能抽象和层次抽象定义系统抽象模型,提取出高内聚低耦合的原子功能模块,并对模块的属性、交换关系、时序约束关系等进行定义;然后采用可视化表征方法对系统进行深入分析,利用系统综合技术实现了从系统功能到硬件资源的映射,从而给出了集成控制单元和模块的种类;随后采用分时分区的设计理念对系统节点分区划分方案及容错架构进行了定义,并对分区操作系统的调度模型和交换式的数据交互网络进行了论述,最终给出了系统软硬件架构。  相似文献   
介绍了半球谐振陀螺全角模式的工作机理及其技术特点。对全角模式下振型的控制进行了理论分析,采用乘法相干解调对陀螺振型参数进行提取,并采用参数激励方法对谐振子进行驱动和控制。设计了数字电路进行实验,结果表明该全角模式控制技术实现了半球谐振陀螺的角速率积分功能,能够0°~360°全角度敏感输出,测得的角速度测量值超过300(°)/s,角度测量线性度优于10~(-4),与传统的力平衡模式相比,半球谐振陀螺的动态特性得到大幅提升。  相似文献   
This paper explores methods for approximating and analyzing the dynamics of highly perturbed spacecraft formations with an emphasis on computationally efficient approaches. This facilitates on-board computation or rapid preliminary mission design analysis. Perturbed formation dynamics are often approximated as linear time-varying (LTV) systems, for which Floquet theory can be used to analyze the degree of system instability. Furthermore, the angular momentum of the relative orbital state can be computed with the approximate dynamics to provide additional insight. A general methodology is developed first and then applied to the problem of unstable formation dynamics in asteroid orbits. Here the dominant perturbative effects due to low-order gravitational harmonics and solar radiation pressure are modeled. Numerical simulations validate the approach and illustrate the approximation accuracy achieved.  相似文献   
This paper investigates a time-varying anti-disturbance formation problem for a group of quadrotor aircrafts with time-varying uncertainties and a directed interaction topology. A novel Finite-Time Convergent Extended State Observer (FTCESO) based fully-distributed formation control scheme is proposed to enhance the disturbance rejection and the formation tracking performances for networked quadrotors. By adopting the hierarchical control strategy, the multi-quadrotor system is separated into two subsystems: the outer-loop cooperative subsystem and the inner-loop attitude subsystem. In the outer-loop subsystem, with the estimation of disturbing forces and uncertain dynamics from FTCESOs, an adaptive consensus theory based cooperative controller is exploited to ensure the multiple quadrotors form and maintain a time-varying pattern relying only on the positions of the neighboring aircrafts. In the inner-loop subsystem, the desired attitude generated by the cooperative control law is stably tracked under a FTCESO-based attitude controller in a finite time. Based on a detailed algorithm to specify the cooperative control protocol, the feasibility condition to achieve the time-varying anti-disturbance formation tracking is derived and the rigorous analysis of the whole closed-loop multi-quadrotor system is given. Some numerical examples are conducted to intuitively demonstrate the effectiveness and the improvements of the proposed control framework.  相似文献   
To detect highly maneuvering radar targets in low signal-to-noise ratio conditions, a hybrid long-time integration method is proposed, which combines Radon-Fourier Transform (RFT), Dynamic Programming (DP), and Binary Integration (BI), named RFT-DP-BI. A Markov model with unified range-velocity quantification is formulated to describe the maneuvering target’s motion. Based on this model, long-time hybrid integration is performed. Firstly, the whole integration time is divided into multiple time segments and coherent integration is performed in each segment via RFT. Secondly, non-coherent integration is performed in all segments via DP. Thirdly, 2/4 binary integration is performed to further improve the detection performance. Finally, the detection results are exported together with target range and velocity trajectories. The proposed method can perform the long-time integration of highly maneuvering targets with arbitrary forms of motion. Additionally, it has a low computational cost that is linear to the integration time. Both simulated and real radar data demonstrate that it offers good detection and estimation performances.  相似文献   
This article studies the cooperative search-attack mission problem with dynamic targets and threats, and presents a Distributed Intelligent Self-Organized Mission Planning (DISOMP) algorithm for multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (multi-UAV). The DISOMP algorithm can be divided into four modules: a search module designed based on the distributed Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm, an attack module designed based on the Parallel Approach (PA) scheme, a threat avoidance module designed based on the Dubins Curve (DC) and a communication module designed for information exchange among the multi-UAV system and the dynamic environment. A series of simulations of multi-UAV searching and attacking the moving targets are carried out, in which the search-attack mission completeness, execution efficiency and system suitability of the DISOMP algorithm are analyzed. The simulation results exhibit that the DISOMP algorithm based on online distributed down-top strategy is characterized by good flexibility, scalability and adaptability, in the dynamic targets searching and attacking problem.  相似文献   
摘要: 研究强不确定系统“全系数之和等于1”的实现方法,强不确定系统指的是系统的静态增益及其界不完全确知且范围较大.“全系数之和等于1”是吴宏鑫院士20世纪80年代发现的,该原理表明,对于未知连续系统,其离散化系统的系数的和在一定条件下是1.该原理的发现对于解决闭环辨识和自适应控制的瓶颈问题具有关键作用.“全系数之和等于1”是在一定条件下成立的.为了实现系统的“全系数之和等于1”,需要对系统进行一定的变换,以满足所需条件.其中,采用静态增益的标称值的倒数进行输入变换的方法在实际中得到了广泛应用.但是,当系统的不确定性较大时,该变换将带来较大偏差.针对该问题开展了深入研究,明确给出了系统静态增益的不确定性与标称值的比值的关系对于实现“全系数之和等于1”的影响.当不确定性与标称值的比值较小时,可以近似实现“全系数之和等于1”;当比值较大时,进一步给出了通过选取合适的采样周期,近似实现“全系数之和等于1”的方法.本文的研究对于特征模型理论在实际中的应用提供了一定的基础.  相似文献   
蒋献  王言  孟敏 《航空学报》2019,40(3):222414-222414
失效概率矩独立全局灵敏度分析对指导可靠性优化至关重要,本文从乘法降维及Edgeworth级数展开的角度提出一种失效概率矩独立全局灵敏度指标分析的高效算法。所提算法通过Edgeworth级数展开将失效概率矩独立全局灵敏度指标的求解转化为输出无条件及条件前四阶整数矩的求解。对于输出的无条件及条件四阶矩的计算,基于乘法降维的思想,本文推导了重复利用计算输出的无条件矩的输入输出样本来计算条件矩以及外层关于输入变量一维积分的计算公式,使得仅需重复利用输出无条件前四阶矩求解产生的积分网格内的数据即可同时求得输出的前四阶条件矩以及外层关于输入变量的一维积分。所提算法大大提高了失效概率矩独立全局灵敏度的分析效率。航空发动机涡轮盘以及汽车前轴的分析结果验证了所提算法的高效性及准确性。  相似文献   
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